Child Safe Commitment
Understanding Victoria’s Child Safe Standards
The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) commenced in Victoria in January 2016.
Since then, we have seen how the Standards have improved safety for children and young people.
Changes in 2022 and 2023 have made our Standards even stronger.
Since 1 July 2022, organisations covered by the Standards have to comply with 11 new Standards.
The 11 Standards set out minimum requirements and outline the actions organisations must take to keep children and young people safe.
The Standards provide more clarity for organisations and are more consistent with Standards in the rest of Australia.
The 11 Standards include specific requirements: to involve families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe;
for a greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people; to manage the risk of child abuse in online environments; in relation to governance, systems and processes to keep children and young people safe.
To read the State Government guide, please click the button below.
The Parish of Gisborne is following a 3 year plan of full implementation, commencing May 2023.
The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) commenced in Victoria in January 2016.
Since then, we have seen how the Standards have improved safety for children and young people.
Changes in 2022 and 2023 have made our Standards even stronger.
Since 1 July 2022, organisations covered by the Standards have to comply with 11 new Standards.
The 11 Standards set out minimum requirements and outline the actions organisations must take to keep children and young people safe.
The Standards provide more clarity for organisations and are more consistent with Standards in the rest of Australia.
The 11 Standards include specific requirements: to involve families and communities in organisations’ efforts to keep children and young people safe;
for a greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people; to manage the risk of child abuse in online environments; in relation to governance, systems and processes to keep children and young people safe.
To read the State Government guide, please click the button below.
The Parish of Gisborne is following a 3 year plan of full implementation, commencing May 2023.
Playgroup is in recess until we find a new leader.
If interested in either leadership or attending Playgroup
please email the parish office at
[email protected]
The Anglican Parish of Gisborne is committed to ministering to children, young people and vulnerable adults by providing an environment that is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe.
This parish is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We will endeavour to provide a safe and supportive environment for children and young people through safeguards which include: Working With Children, Police checks and Working for Service clearance for all staff and volunteers who have contact with children. We are also committed ongoing training, support and review for staff and volunteers.
We are committed to promoting a culture within this parish where our practice reflects values of integrity, duty of care, transparency, inclusion, and mutual accountability.
If any person has concerns about the behaviour of a church worker or about the safety of children in this parish, they can contact the Director of Professional Standards for the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, by calling Kooyoora Ltd on 1800 135 246. (Kooyoora Ltd is an independent Professional Standards company which undertakes Professional Standards work for non-profit charitable entities.)
If a child or adult is in immediate danger, please call the police on 000.
Concerns may also be addressed to the Vicar or to one of the Child Safe Officers, who will take appropriate action including, if appropriate, any legally required report to statutory authorities.
Comprehensive information may be found on the Melbourne Anglican website
This booklet produced by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth is also a wonderful resource for all parents/guardians to have.
Fr Scott Mudd
Child Safe Officer: Sonia Mailer