How to donate:
Visit your personal banking page and transfer your donation to:
Anglican Parish of Gisborne
Missions Account
Bendigo Bank
BSB 633 000
Account No. 151 693 199
Please include a Reference as indicated below.
Anglican Parish of Gisborne
Missions Account
Bendigo Bank
BSB 633 000
Account No. 151 693 199
Please include a Reference as indicated below.
Current Projects
Myanmar Water & Sanitation
Wontulp-Bi-Buya College – Cairns
Equipping and empowering local leaders of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Communities
Orbost Anglican Community Assistance
Brotherhood of St Laurence
Lort Smith Emergency Welfare Response – short term and foster care for pets of
people experiencing domestic violence, extended medical treatment or homelessness.
Dementia Care - Woodend Carer’s Group Fund
Gisborne Food Bank
Animal Welfare
Emergency Community Relief
Local Youth Mental Health Support
Myanmar Water & Sanitation
- Reference: ABM Myanmar
Wontulp-Bi-Buya College – Cairns
Equipping and empowering local leaders of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Communities
- Reference: ABM Wontulp-Bi-Buya
Orbost Anglican Community Assistance
- Reference: Orbost
Brotherhood of St Laurence
- Reference: BSL Breakfast
Lort Smith Emergency Welfare Response – short term and foster care for pets of
people experiencing domestic violence, extended medical treatment or homelessness.
- Reference: Lort Smith Emergency Welfare
Dementia Care - Woodend Carer’s Group Fund
- Reference: Woodend Carers
Gisborne Food Bank
- Reference: Food Donations
- Reference: Chaplaincy
Animal Welfare
- Reference: Animal Welfare
Emergency Community Relief
- Emergency
Local Youth Mental Health Support
- Reference: Live4Life