Vicar's WelcomeWelcome to our Parish of Gisborne. If you are new to our area or just visiting and looking for a Christian community with whom to worship, you are most welcome.
Whether you are seeking a new Parish home or are just searching, I encourage you to join us at our Saturday Vigil Mass at Riddells Creek 5 pm, our sung Mass at Gisborne at 9 am, or our Choral Mass at Macedon 11 am. At every service either myself of one of my team of associate clergy will break open God’s Word as we seek to know Christ and make Christ known, growing together in Christ. We are a contemporary Christian community in the catholic tradition of the Anglican Church, which means we hold the scriptures and the Eucharist in equally high esteem, and our worship is one that engages all the senses. As Anglican Catholics, we believe that worship is but a small part of what we do, and as such we are an active parish with many outreach ministries and opportunities to engage in fellowship and further Christian education, as the discipleship journey is on that is lifelong. No matter who you are, or where you come from, you can be assured of a generous welcome and a sense of family in our midst as we gather for hospitality after worship over a good cup of coffee! For more information and/or assistance please contact us on 03 5428 4038 or email [email protected] With every blessing to you all, Fr. Scott Mudd Vicar |